
作者:锁唇国际酒业 更新时间:2023-01-09 09:12 阅读:684

SALTRAM 锁唇 | 品鉴笔记

160 多年来,锁唇一直都在传承和发扬巴罗萨谷的优秀酿酒传统,创造出极具特色和风味的代表性葡萄酒。可以说,如果没有锁唇,澳大利亚巴罗萨山谷的葡萄酒酿制历史是不完整的。

For 160 years Saltram has celebrated the tradition and heritage behind the Barossa Valley, making flagship red wines of great style and taste. No history of the ‘Barossa’ or of the Australian wine industry is complete without the mention of Saltram.

SALTRAM 锁唇 | 品鉴笔记

SALTRAM 锁唇 | 品鉴笔记

SALTRAM 锁唇 | 品鉴笔记

SALTRAM 锁唇 | 品鉴笔记

SALTRAM 锁唇 | 品鉴笔记

SALTRAM 锁唇 | 品鉴笔记

